Let’s Repair!

Article de Manisha Marival (RSEDD 2021)     In September 2021, Apple Launched its new iPhone 13, with its usual blown-up hysteria around the launch. This new “superman” of smartphones has a redesigned camera, sharper screen, latest A15 “bionic” chipset (don’t know what this is but sounds cool) and many other features that I do not understand or maybe do not even care about. My old iPhone 7 has started

The Green Climate Fund: the victory of multilateralism?

Article de Marc-Aurélien Espiaut (EnvIM 2020)     “Together, the Green Climate Fund and the International Development Finance Club (IDFC), commit to redirect the financial flux to a sustainable low-carbon development and resilient toward climate change” (Green Climate Fund, 2019) declared Rémy Rioux, the CEO of the Agence Française de Developpement, and president of the International Development Finance Club on June 26th of 2019 during the IDFC Steering Group Meeting

Environmental limits to the space sector’s growth

Article de Loïs Miraux (EnvIM 2021) This article is a shortened and adapted version of a paper from the author published in Science of the Total Environment, available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969721059404#     1. Introduction The scale of anthropogenic actions on the Earth system has become so large that they are now the main driving force of environmental change, leading to the rise of a new geological era, the Anthropocene1. As

Greening the browns, how to use open, discarded space efficiently in cities?

Article de Sofie Lamens (EnvIM 2020)   Europe has seen a remarkable densification of transport networks and cities in the last 50 years, which has led to the splintering of different forms of land use. Even after 50 years, urban sprawl is still increasing. Around 28% of land area of the EU was strongly fragmented, of which cities and towns are the most fragmented areas. Arable and permanent croplands, as

Articulating food diets for their carbon footprint and health impacts

Article de Coline Capron (EnvIM 2020)   From the farm to the fork, food undergoes a lot of steps in the foodchain, contributing to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate change. As expressed by Garnett (2011), patterns of food consumption are responsible for about 15 to 28% of total GHG emissions in industrialised countries. The food system is also thought to be the primary global driver of the increase of

Renewable energies in Morocco… Here Comes the Sun!

Article d'Ilyas Mourjane (EnvIM 2020)     Morocco’s pathway towards renewable energies Morocco lights the way in Africa Over the past-half century, Morocco has been experiencing a continuous economic growth and demographic progression that have involved a growing energy demand. Yet, Morocco has never been seen as a country with large conventional energy resources. Indeed, it has been used to depend heavily on energy importations to satisfy its own needs.

Green revolution

Article de Yoann Lechat (EnvIM 2019)   I went to a roundtable in Beijing earlier this winter on Industry 4.0 and the benefits it can bring. The whole event was interesting and enlightening with renowned speakers, but not a word was expressed on sustainability issues. The question/answer part then came up and, taking the last question, I asked whether in the usage they are making of Industry 4.0, sustainability and

Slowing down after lockdown: Is low-tech the new high(pe) tech?

Article de Marion Sestier (EnvIM 2020)   In the midst of the Covid-19 mask shortage during the French spring sanitary lockdown, solidarity sprung through local citizen and associations-led initiatives such as home-sewed masks, food deliveries to isolated people, redistributing food stocks of closed restaurants, or printing plastic face shields[1]. Such initiatives showed strong interest for collective and do-it-yourself projects. They grew in parallel of a national conversation on environmental and

Unchocking kitchens

Article de Stéphanie Fonseca Johann (EnvIM 2019)   Being in quarantine far from my family and hometown, my favorite activity during the COVID-19 lock down was to cook. Electric stove on, traditional Brazilian samba music playing, flavors would come out from the pan and fill the kitchen with a smell that made me feel home and safe. Often considered by many as an act of love, as an art or

Coral reefs: ecosystem services and the impact of climate change

Article d'Albane Bauby (EnvIM 2019)   Over the past 25 million years, corals have evolved into one of the largest and most complex ecosystems on the planet. [1] Hosting more than a quarter of all marine fish species whilst covering less than 0.1% of the ocean floor, they are one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, providing key ecosystem goods and services. [2] This high wealth in term