sustainable development

From Play to Preserve : Ant Forest Engages People and Drives Real Environmental Impacts

Article de Xingci CHEN (MS EnvIM 2023-24) Introduction For the past seven years, my mornings have been marked by a peculiar ritual : the 7:24 alarm on my phone. It's not a typical wake-up call; rather, it's a signal for me to collect "green energy" for my Ant Forest. 7:24 is the moment when the energy accumulated from my eco-friendly actions the previous day gets mature, and ready to be
Drawing by Alexandre GERMOUTY War's silent victim: Ukraine's environment

War’s silent victim: Ukraine’s environment

Article de Alexandre GERMOUTY (MS EnvIM 2023-24) Introduction At a time when the climate crisis demands the utmost international cooperation to devise scientific, political, social, and economic solutions to confront this border-transcending threat, we find ourselves mired in conflict instead of unity. Rather than uniting at the negotiation table to ensure a dignified life for all on our planet, climate concerns are once again being sidelined by other issues. Our
Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in Europe

Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in Europe

Article de Zhao Liu (MS EnvIM 2023-24) Introduction As of January 2024, the annual green power consumption of Fortune 500 Partners totals nearly 70 billion kilowatt-hours (US EPA, 2024), which is equivalent to 15% of France's total electricity consumption in 2023 (Réseau de Transport d’Électricité, 2024). Some leading companies like Google have achieved 100% green power usage. Achieving such high levels of renewable energy consumption is challenging for these large
Could the next Olympic Games really be sustainable ?

Could the next Olympic Games really be sustainable ?

Article de Martin Bernard (MS EnvIM 2023-24) INTRODUCTION For a few years, big sportive events have been promoting themselves as environmentally friendly, while resulting in diverse ecological aberrations. One shall remember, amongst others, the 2016 Rio edition, with an immense golf located in the middle of a natural zone. Notwithstanding the 2022 Beijing edition claimed "100% carbon-neutral", while the artificial ski center involved millions of gallons of water, potential hazardous
Doughnut Economics in Action: The City of Amsterdam Embracing the Model

Doughnut Economics in Action : The City of Amsterdam Embracing the Model

Article de Hssine Benhrouz (MS EnvIM 2022-23) Introduction For over seven decades, the field of economics has been predominantly fixated on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the primary metric of progress, measuring a nation's economic health based solely on its output. But "what if we started economics not with its long-established theories, but with humanity’s long-term goals, and then sought out the economic thinking that would enable us to achieve
Consumer Behavior and Climate Change

Consumer Behavior and Climate Change

Article de Maya MIKAIEL (MS EnvIM 2023)   Introduction Amongst the literature, the term “luxury” is employed to describe the “top category of prestigious brands'' (Achabou, 2013). Opposed to non-luxury goods, the goods falling in the luxury category are synonymous with “superior quality, uniqueness and going beyond need; it is uncompromisingly extravagant in terms of effort and material and often exhibits craftsmanship and expertise” (Athwal, 2019). Upscale products are also naturally

Multi-capital accounting as a tool for transforming companies

Article de Marie-Astrid Humbert (EnvIM 2022)     Introduction According to Lord Kelvin “when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it” (1883), which suggests that data drives knowledge and management. Organizations and especially companies are currently facing increasing pressure to show they contribute positively to society while generating profits for shareholders. However, contrarily to “traditional” accounting which solely focuses

Popularizing science for the sake of climate?

Article de Camille Dousset (EnvIM 2021)     Introduction Although in 2016, a survey showed that 97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is caused by humans (Michigan Technological University, 2016) and that the latest IPCC report (IPCC, 2022) warns on the urgency and irreversibility of the situation if no action is taken, the fight against climate change remains largely below current concerns. Indeed, on a global scale, climate

The spirit of permaculture in the luxury perfume industry

Article de Pénélope Tréchot (RSEDD 2021)     A systematic approach to agriculture The term “permaculture” was coined in the 1970s by two Australian pioneers of the ecological movement, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren[1], whose work has now spread internationally.  The term comes from the combination of  two Latin words “permanens” and “cultura”, with is meaning  being “a persistent system that supports human existence”.[2] It is an holistic systemic approach

Let’s Repair!

Article de Manisha Marival (RSEDD 2021)     In September 2021, Apple Launched its new iPhone 13, with its usual blown-up hysteria around the launch. This new “superman” of smartphones has a redesigned camera, sharper screen, latest A15 “bionic” chipset (don’t know what this is but sounds cool) and many other features that I do not understand or maybe do not even care about. My old iPhone 7 has started