Could the next Olympic Games really be sustainable ?

Could the next Olympic Games really be sustainable ?

Article de Martin Bernard (MS EnvIM 2023-24) INTRODUCTION For a few years, big sportive events have been promoting themselves as environmentally friendly, while resulting in diverse ecological aberrations. One shall remember, amongst others, the 2016 Rio edition, with an immense golf located in the middle of a natural zone. Notwithstanding the 2022 Beijing edition claimed "100% carbon-neutral", while the artificial ski center involved millions of gallons of water, potential hazardous
Doughnut Economics in Action: The City of Amsterdam Embracing the Model

Doughnut Economics in Action : The City of Amsterdam Embracing the Model

Article de Hssine Benhrouz (MS EnvIM 2022-23) Introduction For over seven decades, the field of economics has been predominantly fixated on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the primary metric of progress, measuring a nation's economic health based solely on its output. But "what if we started economics not with its long-established theories, but with humanity’s long-term goals, and then sought out the economic thinking that would enable us to achieve