Article de Elie Matar (MS EnvIM 2023-24) Introduction In the theater of war, the battlefield transcends the reach of artillery fire and the suffering of soldiers. Often overshadowed by chaos and destruction, the environment emerges as a silent casualty of armed conflict. Wars have an immense impact on the environment, disrupting entire ecosystems and affecting air, water, and land. Embark on a journey to explore the hidden effects of war,
Article de Dylan Gordon (MS EnvIM 2023-24) Introduction The Spectre of Energy Insecurity Europe’s energy future is increasingly entangled with its aspirations for independence and sustainability. Recent geopolitical crises and the continent’s dependence on imported fossil fuels, particularly natural gas, has left it vulnerable to disruptions, exemplified by the 2009 Russian-Ukrainian gas dispute and the weaponization of energy during Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine (Dulian, 2024), have left the European
Article de Cordélia de Chambure (MS EnvIM 2023-24) Introduction From the 2019 manifesto for ecological awakening signed by 30,000 students to the bold speeches of AgroParisTech graduates in 2022, young voices are calling for transformative changes to address urgent environmental and social crises. Two approaches are often considered : an individual lifestyle shift (such as adopting a rural, self-sufficient lifestyle) or a broader, systemic change in the way we work
Article de Alexandre SCHAMBERGER (MS EnvIM 2023-24) Introduction Electricity serves as an energy carrier, enabling the instant transmission of energy over long distances and its conversion into other forms, such as heat. This innovation revolutionized the energy supply sector in the late 19th century. Today, long-term projections for the global energy system indicate a significant rise in the importance of battery storage, especially electrochemical technologies, driven by several key factors.
Article de Haocheng Yang (MS EnvIM 2023-24) Introduction Over the past 50 years, China has been through a remarkable economic expansion along with population growth from 0.6 billion to 1.4 billion. Such a dramatic increase has brought tremendous pressure on agriculture and food supply. As Lester Brown pointed out, China has to feed over 20% of the world population with less than 10% of the world’s farmland, and thus has
Article de Eva Tavares (MS EnvIM 2023-24) Introduction Imagine embarking on a train journey travelling through scenic landscapes only to face unexpected stops or delays due to weather disruptions. As climate change intensify, no sector is spared. Over the past few decades, transport infrastructures around the world have faced unprecedented challenges. Every journey, once predictable, now is exposed to extreme weather events that create vulnerabilities in rail networks. Extreme weather
Article de Tanguy Larcher (MS EnvIM 2023-24) In « Sans transition », the energy historian criticizes the notion of energy transition, which would minimize the difficulty of quickly escaping fossil fuels. Even if it means being accused of being a fatalist. On the contrary, some scientists like Hannah Ritchie prefer to stay optimist and spread a message of hope regarding the various crises we face. Introduction In the first half
Article de Clémentine Pélissier (MS EnvIM 2023-24) Introduction We can consider that the story of textiles (defined as a material that can be woven, divided into yarns that can be woven [1]) goes back to 9000 before JC, in Mesopotamia with sheep and goat hair. Quickly followed by the development of cotton in Asia (5000 BC) or linen in Egypt (3000 BC) [2]. This quickly becomes a matter of trade
Article de Maria Beraldi (MS EEDD parcours RSEDD 2023-24) Introduction Dans son rapport de 2014, le GIEC établit que les effets du dérèglement climatique sont particulièrement sévères pour les groupes de population les plus pauvres, ceux qui dépendent davantage des ressources naturelles pour leur subsistance et qui disposent d’une plus faible capacité d’adaptation aux événements climatiques extrêmes. Par ailleurs, au niveau mondial, parmi les 1,3 milliard de personnes vivant dans
Article de Arnaud Cambefort (MS EEDD parcours RSEDD 2023-24) Ou comment on se targue plus souvent d’être écolo quand on a des hauts revenus, mais que les plus sobres restent quand même les plus pauvres. Introduction Les problèmes environnementaux en général, et les conséquences du dérèglement climatiques en particulier, deviennent une réalité tangible du quotidien des Français/es. Néanmoins, la prise en compte dans la posture et les choix concrets de